5 tips to take the best product photos with your phone

business growth Nov 25, 2020

Hey Friends,

I am sure you have heard the saying "A picture is worth 1000 Words" before. 

Not only is that picture worth a thousand words but it can also mean thousands of dollars in revenue for your business! A good photo SELLS, a bad photo gets ignored, passed over, or may make a sale or two but nothing compared to  a well done image.  I am going to share with you five tips for getting the BEST images using only your cellphone. 

Tip #1

When photographing an image, you want to make sure you have the BEST possible lighting. My favorite lighting option is actually FREE, wanna know what it is? It's the sun, that's right the sun. Using natural lighting vs studio lighting has its advantages and disadvantages. 

Tip #2

Where are you photographing your product? This is huge, it really males a difference in the feel and well as the perceived value of your image. If you are taking photos on your kitchen table, against a wall, a cluttered space or even outdoors this can affect how your clients perceive your items worth. We recommend a few things; for smaller items build your own Photography Light Box, purchase some items to create a flatly or even some printed poster paper to tape up on your wall to use as a back drop. 

Tip #3

Set the Stage! Think about using props in your images that relate to your product, something small that wont take away from your image HERO (hero being your product) 

Tip #4

Use a tripod. No seriously this can make a huge difference in the quality of your image as well as the sharpness. A good clear image is easier to process than a shaky badly lit one. 

Tip #5 

Absolutely use editing software, my favorite is Lightroom, but there is also Snapseed and Facetune2. You need to use these apps to correct lighting issues, sharpness issures even color issues. 


Did you know that as a member of The Social Divas, we actually take you step by step through the product photography process, from lighting, to staging, to post image possessing, even watermarking.  We help you every step of the way with not only the WHY but ALWAYS the HOW!


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