Mindset Matters

business growth mindset Oct 28, 2020

Yesterday morning I woke up and realized that it was Tuesday and that meant that it was also Tuesday Talks day!!!!  After taking a few weeks off to travel with my husband for personal and work, I will admit it was hard to hit the "go live" button at 9pm.  What will I talk about?  What if nobody shows up?  What if they are all sick of hearing the same thing over and over?  I deal with this almost EVERY TIME I go live, can you relate?  I'm only human and I give myself grace.  By the afternoon I had answered several emails, helped some of my students take the next leap, and most of all I was over the cloudy moment and READY for my weekly show.  #mindsetmatters

During my live I talked about how we "creatives" can make it through what seems to be the most bizarre year in the history of our existence.  It's just odd.  We don't know what month it is, what day it is, and everything's so blurry.  Ironic isn't it since this is 2020 the year of 20/20 vision?!?!?!  HAHA! Jokes on us this year!

As creatives we struggle the most as business owners during this time, we struggle to find our place, we struggle with the pain of people hurting, we struggle with feeling good about SELLING, we struggle with CHANGE, we struggle with finances, we are just all on the struggle bus (I will speak for myself here...#struggling). 

I challenge you to hold your head up, wake up each day and tell yourself "I GOT THIS", I also want you to ask yourself...

If I could not fail what decision would I make in (for) my business today?

For me it would be to carve out more time to go live and help you several times a week through all your mindset issues....because mindset is everything, it's more important than our business itself, it's who we are, it's our brand and our energy feeds our customers.  Be that someone amazing for them, create an experience, and most of all love on them.  They will remember you when the dust clears and we have our 20/20 vision back (whatever that means). 

If you missed last nights live, you can check it out here

Before I leave you, I would love if you could follow me on Telegram.  I've been having so much fun dropping little tidbits of stuff in there over the past couple of months! What is telegram....it's a FREE messenger app and it's so much fun!  We use it in my coaching programs to keep everyone on the same page! Here is the link: https://t.me/thesocialdivas

Well buttercup I hope the rest of your week is as beautiful as you are. 

Peace, Love & Keep Creating,





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