Our Best Tip to Avoid Content Pirates!

social media Nov 17, 2020

Did you know that people "borrow" content? (sometimes the intention behind taking and using your content is innocent, but other times it is straight up content pirates!)

You spend so much time creating your content (even paying for content) so you want to make sure you properly protect your hard work and money! 

Our biggest tip to you is to WATERMARK your images. I know this can sound like such a little thing, but think about it friend. If someone who has good intentions "borrows" your content because they liked an image or a quote etc, there is nothing on that image that will lead whomever they are sharing it with back to YOU! 

Lets say your friend Sally saved an image of your newest product off your business page because she absolutely loved it and wanted to share it with some of her colleagues. Now lets say some of them were interested in said products and asked her to send them the image and tell them where to get it. This images may be shared hundreds of times and of course the image remains but your business name... not so much. People may not remember where Sally said to purchase (or even know Sally because the image has gone that far) so they post the image on social media asking if someone can make it for them or make something similar... see where I am going. If you had just watermarked that image, no matter where it went anyone who possessed it would know the owner of said image. 

Remember those content Pirates, they are not as innocent as Sally. They are there to use your content and pass it off as their own, this is why we HIGHLY recommend not only watermarking but also placing your watermark in an area that is difficult to crop out. This goes for not only product images but also any content you post of your own. If you create a meme etc and that goes viral you want to lead that traffic back to your page.  Don't let content pirates take your credit for your viral post. 

 So Friend, if you have learned anything today it is watermarking is key to protect your content and lead traffic back to your business! 

Want to learn more ways to grow your business online? Check out The Social Divas, follow us on Facebook, Instagram and even Pinterest! 


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