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Taking Your Creative Business To The Next Level!

The Creator's Nook is the 

Ultimate coaching program to make your creative biz dreams a reality!

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In the Creator's Nook you'll learn how to build multiple streams of revenue with your creative passion. 


Which streams are right for you?

I know you want all of them! However ALL OF THEM just doesn't make sense! Whether is a paid group, a full blown membership a library of courses and tutorials or even building passive revenue, we've got your back!!


You will learn how to PLAN, EXECUTE & HELD Accountable!

Your dreams are just visions when you close your eyes, but when they are open you need an actionable plan to make them all happen and a community that holds your hand while bringing it all together!


A Small & Mighty Community!

If you look at some of today's top creative hustlers, they have a few things in common...They SHOW UP & THEY HAVE ME!

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You + Me = Everything You Need To Get Started!

I realized years ago that my true passion was helping creatives monetize their passions.  I know what success feels like, I know how to build it and most of all I know how to teach it.  Are you willing to learn it, embrace it and implement it?  Are you willing to put in the work to make your dreams a reality just like I did? 

What would your life look like if you were able to REALLY monetize the business of your dreams?

  • What would it feel like to have more freedom in your life?  More time doing the things you love because you've created a business that works FOR YOU?
  • What would it feel like to have 3k, 5k, or even 10k a month coming in the door to contribute to your family and help you pay for the things that spark joy in your life? (For what it's worth...we have members who are at 25k-100k a joke).
  • What would it feel like to wake up each day knowing that you are reporting to the office for YOU and not someone else?
  • What would it feel like to grow your OWN business and NOT invest in someone else's?

A Note From Sarina...

Like you I've been a creative my entire life and I have been a business owner since I was in High School (I'd tell you how many years ago that was but that would give away my age...let's just say Madonna was at the top of her game).

Running a business is hard, scaling a business is harder!  I had always wished I had help in each of my endeavors, but back then we communicated through pagers and fax machines. Now that we are 100% into the digital era, it's amazing what we can accomplish together and never even meet face to face.  It wasn't until I was well into my 30's that I realized god had given me an incredible mind and a knowledge set that was meant to be shared.  Over the years I discovered the more I teach...the more I learn, the more I mentor...the more I get back and more I give them...the more I get in return.  I'd love the opportunity to guide and mentor you in this journey!

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  • A coach that shows up EVERYDAY! 
  • A coach that has the knowledge to help you take things to the next level!
  • A coach that has been in your shoes, has done it, continues to do it every day and is innovative and creative to help you get where you want to go!
  • A coach that understands the daily struggles of what it takes run a profitable business & is able to provide the mindset, tools, and community to bring it all together!
  • A community that is small & mighty and most of all believes in you!
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What's Included


#1- A Monthly Action Book!

Our monthly action book is filled with tools, training, mindset, and actionable items to keep you moving forward!

#2- Courses To Grow!

Each member we welcome has a unique business.  Because of this we have pre-built courses to help you build out & expand your streams of revenue!

#3- Winning Trainings

Each months we have trainings based on what's going on in the business world....not just the creative world!

#4- Real Coaching

What is a coaching group if the coach isn't showing up face to face with their members?  UGH!  We provide real face to face coaching for our entire community and a team that helps you get the results you desire!

#5- Community

The proof is in the group!  If you look at our member base you're going to recognize some of our amazing members!  We're not into name dropping but we are small and mighty for a reason and have substantial amount of success in our program!  This community is gold!!!

The Result? 

What if you could create the life of your dreams with your creative abilities? What if you could wake up EVERY day and do something you were incredibly passionate about?


This is exactly what a successful business looks like and feels like. I've worked with hundreds talented creatives and every single one of them have made it happen.  ARE YOU NEXT?

How do I know if I'm ready?

Perfect for you if:

  • You're ready to stop spinning your wheels and wasting time on a business that is not generating income (BTW, that's called a hobby). 
  • You're willing to SHOW UP and do the work!!!  
  • You're overwhelmed by the idea of doing this on your own and wish you had someone to bounce ideas off!
  • You find yourself paralyzed with all the "things" and no real plan of direction!
  • You are ready and want this more than you want to create!
  • I know I already mentioned this but...You're willing to SHOW Up and do the work!

Not for you if:

  • You're an excuse maker...
  • You aren't willing to take advice and be coachable!
  • You can't invest in yourself and your success (hey but you have money for all those Hobby Lobby trips....ugh).
  • You aren't ready to take the necessary steps to get started or pivot!
  • You want to keep procrastinating, being unproductive and continue dreaming with the hope that someone will do it for you (if they could do it for you, why would they not mo it from themselves...there's no magic pill). 
I'm Ready

Your Steps To Success, Can We Help You In This Journey?

What You Do?

Are you creating or developing products and/or offers that are VIABLE and NEEDED?

Who Are You Selling Too?

Who is your ideal client?  What do they look like? Where do you find them? Do you really know who your customer is? Online is very different than in person!

Where Are You Selling Your Products/Offers?

Maybe for decades your side gig was all local and in person and now you want to take it to 300 million more people online? How are you telling those 300 million people about what you do?

What Is Your Marketing Strategy?

So let me guess, you have Facebook?  Awesome, but if Facebook is for community, why are you there and not on a platform designed for "buyers"?  Are you willing to take control of your own Marketing?

Is Your Business Profitable?

So you have a passion, it's selling but are you profitable?  If not, why?  Are you able to see how to scale what you have to get the most return?

Are You Building Sustainable Marketing?

Huh what?!?  Listen you don't own social media, they own you.  So how are you making sure you can remain in front of your customers on platforms that you control?

Are You Ready For Another Stream of Revenue?

A long lasting business is one that has multiple streams of revenue.  That doesn't mean selling your products on multiple platforms.  How can you take your products and monetize them further?

Do You Have Support, Community, & Accountability?

Running a business takes more than one person and one mind.  The power in support and community is what leads to showing up and holding YOURSELF accountable!!!  

Wait, what's included again?



Knowledge & Mindset is everything and so is our ability to adapt.  As your coach I love bringing out the best in you, finding your strengths and doubling down on them!  I also love being straight with you and telling you what you need to hear which is not necessarily what you want to hear!



Trainings & Tools

You have to know how to use and implement the tools you need for your business!  It's great that you have Canva or Shopify but do you know how to use it?  Do you know how to grow, scale and launch?  Of course not but that is our job to give you the trainings and tools to nail it!



In the book "Think & Grow Rich" one of the core principles is creating a "mastermind".  When you surround yourself with people who know and understand the challenges you face it makes it easier to overcome the struggles. 

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Success Starts At Implementation...

Kandi (Kandi's Kreations)

I was looking for a more hands on coach with likeminded growth strategies. Sarina has helped me take all the ideas I have in my head and implement how to put it out there. She helped me at a time where I had lots of things going on to organize and deliver and we are still growing together.

Royce (Roycycled Papers)

Being in Sarina's program helped me SO much. I have been in a lot of coaching programs, and not every experience has been great. But Sarina definitely over serves. If you are ready to roll up your sleeves and put in the work to grow your online business, Sarina will give you the tools, information and support to make it happen!

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The Ultimate time is now!  Don't let the fear of success keep you from your dreams!

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Start Today!


Procrastinators Are Not Meeting Tomorrow...Change Your Ways Today

A real coaching program that has proven success to provide the results you want in your business (as long as you do the work).  Finally, a community that is supportive and believes in collaboration over competition (who has time for that). 

I know that $67 a month is an investment, but in reality it's a VERY small amount to pay to get the results you desire.  It's really 1 dinner out and a couple coffee's a month and besides the gain on the scale what did that dinner and expensive coffee provide for your business?  

So what's included for $67 a month?

  • Monthly Action Book!
  • Weekly Trainings/Coaching Sessions To Keep You Moving Forward!
  • Weekly Q&A Sessions!
  • Monthly Lunch & Learn Etsy Coaching Sessions with Etsy Expert!
  • Monthly Open Studio/Co-Working Sessions!
  • Community of Creatives Just Like You!  
  • Group Collaborations, Challenges and Community Events To Feel Like You Have Co-Workers (the nice kind). 
  • Instant Access To The Training Hub: 
    • AI Tools To Grow 
    • Video Editing For Creatives
    • Pinterest Masterclass
    • Membership & Passive Income Masterclasses
    • Over 100 Hours of Archived Trainings Ranging from Multiple Streams of Revenue to Youtube to Selling Live!


Try us out for 30 days and if you don't like what we can do for you...

and are not completely satisfied we will refund your money. ** Refunds must be requested in writing within this refund period.

Commonly Asked Questions